Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Kebab Recipe

My Reflection

Walt: Make a accurate kebab recipe presented in a creative way.

I was able to succeed the criteria and present my slideshow in a creative/attractive way.

My next step is to make a more detailed recipe of more things

Monday, 14 November 2016

Maths Evidence

Maths Evidence

My Reflection

Walt : calculate the perimeter and area of shapes

 I was able to find area by multiplying the length and width of the shapes.

Next time I will do more of this work to improve and try harder versions.

Fireworks Poem

Fireworks Poem

My Reflection

Walt : use a range of language features like personification and onomatopoeia to enhance my writing.

I was able to use many language features in my writing like
onomatopoeia. I was also able to organise my poem in to verses.

Next time I need to brainstorm my ideas better and include some of these words so that I can use my brainstorm to help me with my writing.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Youthtown Sports

My Reflection

Last term at school we did Youthtown sports. I learnt basketball skills and learned how to play hockey. We also played games that helped us learn new sports. I really enjoyed the basketball lessons and I look forward to seeing them next year.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Room 19's Holiday Padlet

Made with Padlet

This morning in room 19 we made a holiday Padlet writing our high's and lows.

Monday, 12 September 2016

My Camp Acrostic Poem

W.A.LT: Write a thank you acrostic poem

My Reflection

I was able to include detail in my poem and use topic vocabulary. My next step is to use more adverbs

Friday, 2 September 2016

Sir Peter Blake Challenge

My Reflection

Walt: Locate, select and evaluate text for specific information about Sir Peter Blake by using the internet

I was able to manage my time wisely and complete the challenge working in a group

My next step is to do more of these challenge and add more information

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Bike Skills

Bike Skills

My Reflection

This photo was taken at bike skills. (That's me at the back). When I first started I couldn't ride a bike but at the end I could ride confidently on concrete.
I also learned how to change gears and properly use my brakes.

 My next step is to try and ride a bike on grass or different platforms.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Reading Evidence Term 3 - Porridge

My Reflection

I was able to locate specific information in the question to help me look for clues about where I need to search in the story.

Next time I will try to do this without the text.

Walt : locate relevant information in order to infer ideas and information that is not directly stated in the text “Porridge”.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Shelter And Sleep iMovie

My Reflection

Walt : Identify what humans need to survive.

In room 19 we have been researching the basic needs that humans need for survival.  We used websites to find this information and then we created an imovie to explain this information to the class.

I was able to create an imovie in my group explaining the importance of each basic need for survival.

In my group I think I co-operated really well so that everyone had a chance speaking and sharing.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Autumn Poem

My Reflection

In writing this term I have been focusing on using interesting vocabulary to make my writing appealing to the reader.

I was able to write a personification poem and found some objects related to autumn and gave them human qualities like pouncing,gliding and sobbing.

My next step is to use personification in more of my writing such as Equipt and my 100 word challenge.

Whale Rider Venn Diagram

My Reflection

Walt : locate, summarise and evaluate the text for specific information including internet sources.

I was able to find the key facts, words and ideas in the stories and I was able to choose the important ideas and include them in my imovie.

Next time I need to make sure I only include specific information that relates directly to what I have been reading because sometimes I included information that was not relevant.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Baby Shrek Diary

My Reflection

We were learning to write a diary entry to make the reader feel like they are there. I found it easy to write a recount like a diary and use (some) interesting words. My next step is to write more entries like this.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

My Basic Facts Graph

My Reflection

November Reflection
I am proud that I have improved my basic facts score this month. My goal is to improve
my score and practise my basic facts more by going on mathetics
September Reflection
This month my basic facts score stayed the same I am happy that I have not gone 
down but next month I will practise my basic facts more and try to get a higher score.

July Reflection
I am really happy with my improvement this month. I have been doing my basic facts test in my homework book and practising my basic fact. My next step is to memorise my 9 and 7 time tables

May Reflection
This month I am really proud that my score has improved. I think practising a lot on Mathletics has helped me. This month I want to learn and improve my 8 and 9 times tables.

April Reflection
This month I have been practising my addition,subtraction and times tables. I think I got a lower score because I  haven't been practising division as much as the others. Before the next test I need to focus on division more.

March Reflection
I am really happy with my score this year it has really improved. I think I need to work on my eight and nine times tables.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Maths Evidence - Term 1

My Reflection

In maths I have been learning to improve my knowledge and understanding of numbers.

I was able to order numbers and identify numbers 1, 10, 100, 1000 more and 1, 10, 100, 1000 less very well. I find it tricky to find the tens and hundreds in high numbers because sometimes I get confused.

My next step is to try and order higher numbers e.g high thousands and millions.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


My Reflection

We have been reading the story “Friends” by Joy Cowley. Writing questions and asking questions are important because they help me understand what I am reading better.  

I have learnt there are 4 different sorts of questions and they are right there, think and search, author and me and on my own. I am able to do think and search and on my own questions really well. I am also able to write and answer my own questions. I found it tricky to do right there questions because I sometimes confused them withvthink and search questions

My next step is to focus more on writing author and me and right there questions.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Room 6 Buddies

 My Reflection

Room 6 is our buddy class for 2016.  Every week we have been meeting our buddies and have read them stories , had a shared lunch under the tree and we found out some secret information about them and designed some bookmarks to give them.

I really enjoy visiting my buddy because it’s interesting to read and play with her.
My buddy is funny, a good listener and likes to sit on my lap when I read to her. Also she gives the BEST hugs!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

All About Me

All About Me

An excited learner
Kitten, Cat, Cats, Animals,
A craAn animal lover
Pizza, Fast, Food, Slice,Notepad, Memo, Pencil, WritingA pizza eater

A funny prankster
YouTube icon | by JurgenA good story writer
A YouTube watcher
A professional sleeper
A video game player
Games, Controller, Video, Pad,
A chocolate craver
crazy cat owner
A dedicated book reader

My Reflection

I have written a Kenning's Poem about me so that other people in the class can get to know more about me.  In our poem we brainstormed different ideas about ourselves.

I was learning to use creative and interesting words for my writing and not repeat my words/ideas.

My next step is to improve my vocabulary and use to re-crafting to make my work better and more interesting.